SunPlus 塑料片材疵点测定仪

SunPlus 塑料片材疵点测定仪

按相关国家标准分析塑料或树脂的疵点及其分布。疵点包括鱼眼、晶点、杂质、污点、漏光点、裂缝、线条、不均匀斑块,等等。适用于透明或非透明片材、膜片,如黑色或彩色的 PVC、塑料、树脂、PMMA 等。



This equipment is for the evaluation of number and size of fish-eye in film being conformity with relevant standard or code.适用于透明或非透明片材、膜片,如黑色或彩色的 PVC、塑料、树脂、PMMA 等。

Apply for detection and analysis of inner defect objects in transparent or semitransparent film or resin.


1. 测量规格:0.1mm,0.2mm,0.3,0.4mm,0.8mm,1.0mm 等等,按选用的标准,可在软件界面选定。 

Measuring Range: 0.1mm,0.2mm,0.3mm,0.4mm,0.8mm,1.0mm etc.,up to relevant code being applied, and is selectable via software.

2. 最小检测目标: 0.05 mm 或 更小

Min detectable object:0.05mm or lower

3. 检测精度: 0.05mm 或更小 

Accuracy: 0.05mm 偶然lower

4. 检测面积:不小于 200×200mm

Detecting Area: Not less than 200×200mm

5. 放大倍数:>20 倍

Objective enlarging times: more than 20times.

6. 光密度:不小于 8000 流明

Light-intensity index : Not less than 8000 Lumnes

7. 光源要求: 24V/60W

Illuminator bulb assembly: 24V/60W

8. 供电电源:220V,50HZ

Power Supply: 220V,50HZ


1. 测量疵点的大小、条纹长度和粗细。

Detectable of sizes of defects and stripe’s length and width.

2. 可提供疵点和条纹的分布图谱。

Mapping the distribution of defects and stripes.

3. 图谱的放大和缩小,观测疵点的质地形状。

Zooming the picture to show in detail the texture shape of defects.

4. 疵点斑点和条纹可储存、复制、黏贴、打印。

Capable of save,copy,paste,print for defect’s spots and stripes.

5. 被测目标可计数和统计。

Counting and classification for the targets being measured.

6. 按适用的标准自动生成检测报告。

Automatically forming and issuing Detection Report up to different standard or code.

7. 用户可按自己的要求设计和编辑检测报告。

Detection Report can be designed or edited by User.

8. 报告和图谱可打印可储存。

Report and Mapping is printable or be of saved.


SP-Y-1910 疵点检测仪        

Type of SP-Y-1910 Defects Detector.


Standard Plate for Calibration.


Working Station of Computer.


Application Software.
